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  • bocaraton@sadkhintherapy.com
  • (561) 409-2137

Are You Really Hungry or Just Bored?

  • By Beth Meirav
  • My Blog

Do you always have food on your brain? Sometimes it's can be challenging to distinguish between hunger and boredom. Is reaching for a snack your go-to move when bored? If you aren't actually hungry you can try distracting your mind with these tips below.

1.Drink a glass of water

Yes I know I sound like a broken record, but many times we think we are hungry when we are actually just thirsty. Have a glass and wait 20 minutes and then check in with yourself again.


This may sound silly or annoying, but writing out how you are feeling will not only distract you from your hunger, but will also help pinpoint perhaps what triggered that feeling.

3.Walk, Run, Stretch

Movement will not only distract you, but will also burn calories!

4.Take a break

Whatever you are doing...stop. Switch tasks. You are just bored and it's most likely causing these thoughts of hunger. Move to a new location. Sometimes just changing rooms will help.

5.Shut off the TV

Were you nibbling on snacks while watching? Perhaps sip a cup of tea instead, or fold some laundry like I do (lame I know, but at least it keeps me moving and not reaching for something).

When you do reach for something make sure you put a portion on a plate. Don't eat out of a bag or a container. You will have more control over it.
