7025 Beracasa Way Suite 105C, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, United States

  • bocaraton@sadkhintherapy.com
  • (561) 409-2137

Don't Eat, Savor

  • By Beth Meirav
  • My Blog

The quote I put in the subject line "don't eat, savor", is from a movie I saw this past weekend called The Menu (amazing movie if you haven't seen it- just don't google it ahead of time). The movie wasn't about weight loss or listening to your body, however that line was a big takeaway for me and I think it will apply.

We eat for many reasons...sadness, boredom, social outing, to prevent hunger from coming, depression..the list is long. How often are you eating out of actual hunger? How often are you truly savoring your food? Are you eating slowly, enjoying each bite, tasting the love and effort that went into the meal?

Savoring your food, truly tasting it, happens when you are eating mindfully. Not only will you enjoy your food more, but you will begin the digestive process in your mouth (as it should be). Often we rush through our meals barely tasting and chewing our food and end up with gas and bloating. Breaking down the food in your mouth will help with that. Relishing your food mindfully will also help you tune into your hunger cues. It will help you understand when you've had enough.

One thing I stress when meeting with clients is the Hunger Quotient. This is the key to losing weight and keeping it off. It's all about listening to your body's hunger cues.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (at 10 you are starving), you want to eat at a 7. If you wait past a 7 then you will most likely:

  1. eat too fast
  2. reach for something that's not exactly healthy but a quick fix

At the first sign of hunger reach for a glass of water or a cup of tea. Many times we are actually thirsty and not quite a 7 on the hunger scale. Once you hit that 7 though, don't wait.

"I eat until I am full". I hear this a lot from clients. That "full" feeling is so uncomfortable. All you want to do is lay down and not move. We need to remember we are eating to gain energy. If you are overeating then you tend to become sloth-like. If we eat just until satisfied you will feel energized and most likely want to be active.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (at 1 you are stuffed), you want to stop eating at a 4. A 4 is satisfied. You should feel energized and refueled.

Pay attention to your cues. Tune into your body and what it's telling you. Savor your food.
