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  • bocaraton@sadkhintherapy.com
  • (561) 409-2137

Hunger vs. Craving

  • By Beth Meirav
  • My Blog

A few months ago, I sent out an email diving into the wild world of cravings and how to wrangle them under control. Boy, did it spark a conversation! Every day, clients share tales of how cravings are their ultimate nemesis. So, I figured, why not dive a bit deeper? Let's unravel the mystery of hunger versus cravings and learn how to tell which one is knocking at our door.

It's an age-old question...is it hunger or is it a craving? It's like your body's way of asking, "Am I really hungry, or do I just want to munch on something because it sounds delicious?" Let's dive into this flavorful conundrum and figure out what it really takes to work off that "just because" snack.

The Hunger Game:

  • Biological Buzz: Hunger is your body's natural alarm system saying, "Fuel needed!" It's all about keeping your energy levels up and running.
  • Food Frenzy: When hunger strikes, you're not picky. Anything from a salad to a sandwich sounds like a feast fit for a king or queen.
  • Slow Burn: Hunger doesn't just pop up; it builds up, giving you time to think about what hearty meal you're going to dive into next.
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed: Once you refuel, your body hits the off switch on hunger, leaving you feeling content and energized.

Craving Chronicles:

  • Taste Temptation: Cravings are less about filling a void and more about seeking a flavor thrill. They're tied to emotions, stress, or even boredom rather than actual hunger.
  • Selective Snacking: Cravings have you zoning in on specific treats, like that irresistible slice of chocolate cake or crunchy, salty truffle fries (yum) or in my case...ice cream. No substitutes accepted!
  • Instant Intrusion: Cravings crash the party uninvited and demand immediate attention, making you feel like you need that snack, stat.
  • Loop of Longing: Satisfying a craving might feel good in the moment, but it's like a loop; you might end up wanting more without ever feeling truly full.

Munchie Math: Working It Off

Ever think about how long it takes to jog away a soda? Or dance off a donut? When you're hit with a craving, consider the "exercise equivalent" to balance the books. For example... you are looking at 40-60 minutes of cardio activity to burn off that one indulgence. It puts a playful spin on managing cravings and might make you think twice about whether it's worth lacing up those sneakers.

Merging the Munchies:

While hunger is your body's way of saying it's time to eat, cravings are a bit trickier, weaving through your emotions and memories. Knowing the difference is key to making choices that fuel your body and satisfy your soul. Hungry? Go for that balanced meal. Craving? Maybe a quick walk, a glass of water, or a fun hobby or game (keep those hands busy...perhaps Sudoku?) could distract you until it passes.

So, next time you're debating between hunger and a craving, remember the munchie math and choose a path that keeps you smiling, satisfied, and maybe even a little sweatier if you decide to work it off. It's all about tuning into your body's signals and making decisions that support a deliciously balanced life.

Stay Happy, Healthy, and Craving-Free!
