7025 Beracasa Way Suite 105C, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, United States

  • bocaraton@sadkhintherapy.com
  • (561) 409-2137

Hormones, Ugh!

  • By Beth Meirav
  • My Blog

Do you ...

feel fatigued

brain fog

memory issues (why did I come into this room?)

lack of sex drive

trouble sleeping

unwanted hair or lack there of in places you desire

trouble "performing"

The list goes on.

The reason could be related back to your hormones. Perhaps they are not quite balanced at the moment. Hormones are what's telling your organs what to do and when to do it. They are essential. Believe it or not, hormones don't just get off track due to puberty (remember that crazy time period?) or menopause (let's not even go there right now). By the way, men can experience this hormone roller coaster too. All sorts of things can send your hormones out of whack. So what do we do about it?!

1.Maintain a Healthy Weight

When out of balance, your hormones truly can impact your weight. I can't tell you how many women come to me during or after menopause and say they can't understand why they have gained so much weight when they haven't changed their healthy eating habits. Maintaining a healthy weight can be a challenge when your hormones are spinning out of control. I can help you come up with a food plan that works for you. Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is key.

2.Limit Stress

Easier said than done, eh? Foot massage anyone? I challenge my kids to various competitive games to try to win these coveted massages. Worth the stress of the game for the relaxing reward. You can also try meditation, yoga, or even just slow, deep breaths can lower your cortisol levels.

3.Limit Alcohol

Seriously? Did I just say that? Listen, I love a great glass of red wine as much as the next person (ask my friends in book club!) but we are just talking about moderation here. Large amounts of alcohol can cause hormone imbalances (sorry).


Yep, we are talking about sleep. The much desired, yet often illusive, nightly ritual. I had a client tell me last week that he sleeps 4 or 5 hours a night but that it was ok. Let me tell you, that's not ok with your body. The hormone imbalances caused by lack of sleep raises your risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, raised blood pressure, anxiety.... So what can we do? Set a nighttime ritual that works for you. No electronic devices at least an hour prior to bed. Have a bed time (just like when you were a kid). Do some relaxing breathing. Invest in a great pillow.


Did you watch the video I sent out a couple of weeks ago? Just in case you missed it, you will burn 30% more calories standing than sitting. Being active helps to keep your hormone levels stable. Find something you enjoy. For me it's paddle boarding!

6.Here Comes the Sun

Vitamin D helps regulate hormones, plus it triggers serotonin (your happiness hormone). It's a great idea to wake up naturally to the sunlight. At the very least, make a point of taking in some sun for 10-20 minutes a day. We live in South Florida (at least that's where I am) so there is plenty of sunshine year-round. Take advantage of it!

7.Choose Organic

I personally have stood there in front of the strawberries with my hand vacillating between organic or not organic on quite a few occasions. The price difference can be staggering. Just know that the difference can truly impact your health. Your endocrine system can easily get imbalanced by the chemicals used to grow your produce. These obesogens can disrupt your entire metabolism and lead to weight gain.
