7025 Beracasa Way Suite 105C, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, United States

  • bocaraton@sadkhintherapy.com
  • (561) 409-2137

What's Up with Your Gut?

  • By Beth Meirav
  • My Blog

I know we all keep hearing about gut bacteria, gut health yada, yada...

Just how important is it to have a healthy gut? VERY! Your gut not only impacts your immune system and mental health but can also cause autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases. It can cause GI disorders and is even linked to cancer.

Your gut microbiome controls your immune system. It actually controls how your body responds to infection. It controls how you process your food, your brain health, heart health and even your central nervous system. Are you getting the picture? This is important stuff!

Your gut can also impact your weight. The bacteria in your gut plays a role in controlling your blood sugar.

How do you know if your gut is unhealthy?

  • GI problems - bloating, gas, constipation/diarrhea, heartburn
  • Unexplained weight changes
  • Inflammation that can manifest several ways: autoimmune diseases, joint pain, skin conditions to name a few

How do you improve your gut health? Let's repair that microbiome!

Probiotics - Taking a good probiotic is key. Finding the right one for you is important. I recommend to my clients Omni-biotics. It's new(er) to the US but it is well-known in Europe. 83% of the bacteria strains reach the essential part of the gut (versus 7% of the top US brands). This is good stuff! There is a little quiz on the website that helps you identify which strain is right for you. I noticed the impact within a few days. Use code SADKHIN15 for a discount.

Eat fermented foods. I love Greek yogurt, kombucha, kefir and kimchi. Sauerkraut has jumped off the hot dog and into our lives as a fantastic food for your gut!

Drink red wine and eat dark chocolate - Did I just say that?? Actually what I meant was ingest foods that are high in polyphenols. They can stimulate healthy bacteria growth. Aside from the aforementioned red wine and dark chocolate, you can find them in olive oil, green tea, nuts, seeds, coffee, olives and beans as well.

Eliminate artificial sweeteners - I know I am a broken record with this one, but they honestly can cause unhealthy bacteria to grow. Trust me.

How fast do you eat? Are you even fully chewing your food? Digestion begins in the mouth. Slow down! Eat mindfully. Enjoy the food. What's the hurry?

Try intermittent fasting

If you have been reading my blog then you know I am a huge proponent of IF for many reasons. There have been studies that show that fasting promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and reduced inflammation in the intestines.

Would you like some fries with that?

This question should not be posed to you! Stay away from the fatty and processed foods. Focus on fresh, whole fruits and veggies and lean protein. Add in some high fiber foods like legumes, quinoa and nuts to positively impact your gut health.

I think that's enough to get you started towards a healthy gut. You know the old saying "trust your gut"? Well if you are spending time listening to your gut then you want to make sure it's in good shape! Take the first step.
