7025 Beracasa Way Suite 105C, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, United States

  • bocaraton@sadkhintherapy.com
  • (561) 409-2137

Foods That Help You Go...

  • By admin
  • My Blog

We have all had that uncomfortable feeling. Things just aren't moving along the tract like they should. Poop (yep, I said it) is weighing you down. Incorporating some foods into your diet to keep the system working as it should is key.


Chia Seeds- I am a huge fan of chia. I love to add it to my Greek yogurt. It adds texture and flavor but most of all it adds fiber. Fiber is a natural treatment and one of the first lines of defense against constipation. Chia can also act as a softener to make poop pass easier.


Flax Seeds - I love flax. It adds a nuttiness to whatever you put it in. I add it to my salads. I have had clients take a tablespoon of flaxseed and drizzle it with honey for a sweet and nutty treat that satisfies cravings. It's also full of fiber and can increase how often you go.


Berries - I love berries - raspberries, strawberries, blackberries...you name it! I will top off my ice cream with it (making an indulgence healthy!), put it in a smoothie or just eat a bowl on it's own. Berries are full of fiber with blackberries topping the list at just about 8g per cup! They are considered a mild and natural laxative.


Kiwi- This little green furry fruit is packed with fiber (not quite as much as a blackberry but just about - 5.4g). Kiwi will definitely keep things moving.


Olive Oil - Not only is olive oil good for your heart health (lower your risk of cardiovascular disease!) but it also has been proven to improve the symptoms of constipation.


Of course drinking water is essential to keep things moving! Taking a probiotic is also key in keeping the gut happy and healthy and moving in the right direction.
