7025 Beracasa Way Suite 105C, Boca Raton, Florida 33433, United States

  • bocaraton@sadkhintherapy.com
  • (561) 409-2137

Why Are You Eating?

  • By Beth Meirav
  • My Blog

Are you eating out of stress, sadness, anger, or anxiety? Eating our emotions is a common coping mechanism, but it can quickly spiral out of control and lead to weight gain, health issues, and even more stress! It's time to take control of your health and break free from this destructive cycle. Donut worry, I am here to help.

We all let our emotions take control at some point in our lives, and it's natural to feel overwhelmed and anxious at times. However, eating our emotions may not be the best way to cope. If you find yourself indulging in unhealthy snacks, it's time to take a step back and reassess your habits. Here are some tips to help you overcome emotional eating and lead a healthier lifestyle:

1. Identify the triggers: Pay attention to what situations or emotions trigger your stress eating. I have a client that is set off by her mother-in-law. She knows whenever her MIL visits it will trigger unhealthy choices. Once you know the triggers, you can take steps to avoid them or find healthier ways to cope. I find coloring quite zen (why do you think they have kids do it all the time in school? - very soothing).

2. Practice mindfulness: When you feel the urge to eat your emotions, take a deep breath and focus on the present moment. Mindfulness can help you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions, and make better choices. I also try to focus on something I am grateful for.

3. Choose healthier snacks: Instead of reaching for junk food, stock up on healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, and vegetables. These snacks will provide you with the necessary nutrients and energy to cope with stress. I crunch on those baby cucumbers. I love to slice them into little circles and spice them up!

4. Get moving: Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and improve your mood (endorphins!). Whether it's a quick walk, a yoga session or kick boxing (if you feel the need to punch someone) find an activity that you enjoy and make it a part of your daily routine. I love to ride my bike. Even if you only have 10 minutes, every little bit counts!

Remember, it's important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. By making small changes in your daily routine, you can overcome emotional eating and lead a happier, healthier life. Instead of reaching for that tub of ice cream (you know that's my downfall), tune into what's really going on and find a different outlet.

If you do give into a craving, donut beat yourself up about it! Just remember to practice moderation and mindfulness when it comes to your diet. You got this!

If you would like someone to coach you and hold you accountable as you make the shift into a healthier lifestyle, give me a call (561) 409-2137. We can setup an appointment at my natural weight loss center in Boca Raton or via zoom.  You can also check out my website to learn more about me and how I can help you feel and look your best.  
